It should be interest to you that many Guerrilla Forces are sanctioned by their own government, to limit Guerilla Warfare is like to limit the use of Land Mine in War. That cannot be done. Especially for those country value the national value more than their citizen's life.(You know which one i am talking about...)
Actually, we can only do a little to change that, very little indeed, to win in Guerrilla Warfare, one need to win the Heart and Mind for the country's own citizen, that is then they will not put up a guerilla war towar the occupation force. Other than that, there are no way to win or lose.
Human life always lost at war, especially civilian's, we can see, in any war, civilian always lost 2 to 3 time of all major combatant put together. Casuality of war are unavoidable and there will be certain civilian death in every war.
There are no Law of War or internation law prohibit the use of guerilla warfare, but there are rule of engagement that prevent meaningless lose of life in battle, that mostly put a soldier in harm's way. That is the matter of we keep pressurize those country, but they just keep doing it, in the end, there seems no point to push it anyhow......